OCS Packing List USMC 2024 (Updated)

Honor Graduates from several recent OCS classes heavily contributed to this list, so take heed ladies and gents. First off, just because you might receive an item at the bag issues doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t bring spares. I promise that you will lose gear. Between the Sergeant Instructors tornadoing your equipment, to the theft among candidates, or your own forgetfulness set on by fatigue, gear WILL BE LOST. Likewise, some of the equipment you’re given will just suck. From oversized shower shoes, to crappy red lenses, and slow drying towels, you will want to have your own set of adequate and durable gear.
Every candidate regardless of their previous service are asked to bring the following items:
2 Wrinkle free collared t-shirt
2 White undershirts
2 Pairs of wrinkle free slacks
1 Pair of dress shoes
3 Pairs of dress socks
1 Dress Belt
5 Pairs of underwear or compression shorts
2 Pairs of serviceable running shoes (purchased within 3 months)
1 Pair of broken-in boots
1 Pair of shower shoes
6 Pairs of Fox River Boot Socks (you will lose at least 1 pair)
3 Pairs of white running socks (ankle to low cut, no large logos showing)
4 Skivvie/PT shirts
4 Skivvie/PT shorts
Comfortable clothes for sleeping on liberty
6 Sports bras (females)
1 Hygiene bag
1 Toothbrush
1 Tube of toothpaste
1 Razor
4 Razor blade refills
1 Can shaving cream (medium size)
1 stick of deodorant
1 bottle of shampoo bodywash combo
2 bottles of travel mouthwash
1 Set of nail clippers
1 Tube Lotrimin Ultra
1 Tube of Body Glide
1 Bottle of 4 oz hand sanitizer
Antibiotic ointment
Small field hygiene mirror
2 Quick drying towels (small for travel)
1 Pack of 40 count moist/baby wipes
25 Black hair ties (females)
2 Travel size hair spray (females)
2 Travel size hair gel (females)
2-3 Cycles worth feminine hygiene (females)
1 Rugged, water resistant watch
At least $500.00 of cash or credit/debit ($400 in 100’s, $100 in 1’s and 5’s)
1 pair of eyeglasses as required
Batteries for headlamp
2 Wide-tip Sharpie markers
2 Sharpie Rub-A-Dub Laundry markers
10 Pairs of boot blousers
1 six inch ruler
2 Mechanical or #2 pencils
2 Highlighters
1 Pack of 4 fine point map pens
Personal name stamp kit (1/2 in. capital letters with tape)
4 Rolls of 1″ white athletic tape
1 Roll of electrical tape
1 Roll of clear packing tape
1 Pair of small scissors
4 Manila folders
10 Ziploc bags – Quart
10 Ziploc bags – Gallon
1 Roll of duct tape
2 Erasable red pens
4 Cheap dish rags
1 Box of 375 count cotton swabs (short handle)
1 Pack of 100 count cotton swabs (long handle)
Shipping packet from your OSO (including copies of your orders to OCS)
Copies of all dependent’s papers (marriage certificate, divorce decree, birth certificates, and adoption papers)
Health, dental, or shot records
Drivers license
Cell phone and charger (will be turned in to the staff and given back at liberty)
Photos of your family
Premade name stencils for 1 inch gear marking and pt shirt marking (font 1 inch gear=Stencil, font pt shirt=Times New Roman Bold Stencil )
All prior enlisted active or reserve Marine candidates, as well as Marine reservist, MECEP, and Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) candidates who will report to OCS within 90 days of their End of Active Service (EAS), are required to bring the following items:
1 Woodland Digital Cover
1 Desert Digital Cover
1 Woodland Digital Boonie Cover
1 green USMC sweatshirt
1 green USMC sweatpants
1 Sea Bag
2 Web Belts
2 belt buckles
2 sets of Woodland MARPAT Combat Utilities
2 set of Desert MARPAT Combat Utilities
2 pairs of seasonal boots
2 pairs of green PT shorts
6 pairs of boot socks
6 green t-shirts (no unit logos)
6 white drawers
For more information, you can read here: https://bit.ly/3oZXrjQ